Ali Holsinger

Night Secrets

(Night 7)

Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense, MFM, HEA

Serena Wyndham can see present and future events and hear the thoughts of people around her. Her visions haunt her at times. Visions of murders, of thefts. Visions of the darker sides of life that leave her feeling helpless to do anything.

When word about Serena’s abilities gets to her husbands’ boss, Mitchell Krantz, aka Mr. Jones, Mitchell is desperate for Serena’s help. His daughter has been taken, a victim of human trafficking, and he needs Serena’s help to get Annabelle back. Serena doesn’t trust the agent, but her visions have shown the details of the human trafficking ring and the men who took his daughter. She agrees to help him, even though she’s aware Mitchell has plans to use her to climb the ranks.

Her husbands don’t want her to get entangled with Mitchell if he’s using her, but Serena won’t be deterred. She needs to help the young women in her visions. When her husbands see her resolve, they have no choice but to agree to help her. They’ll just watch her like hawks.


Alastair watched his wife as she experienced one of her visions, biting back a curse when she jolted, when she gasped, again when she whimpered, and once more when she opened her eyes and he saw the tears brimming in the beautiful violet depths.

Instinctively sliding off the sofa to kneel in front of her, Alastair started to wrap his arms around her, but she shook her head, holding out her hands and jumped up. “I’ll be in the guest house. My cousin’s dead, Jonathan. Dumped in the landfill. Like trash. When you find her body, I want to arrange her funeral. She deserves that.”

Jonathan jumped to his feet. “Mrs. Wyndham! Serena!”

Ian rose and ran a hand down his wife’s back as she walked away, holding out an arm to prevent Jonathan from going after her. “No. You’ve given her enough hurt.”

Ian watched as Alastair left the room with Serena and waited until he heard the puppies yipping excitedly as they followed Serena and Alastair out the back door.

Once he heard the door close, he turned to Jonathan. “If that’s all…”

Jonathan sat again and leaned forward to pick up his glass. “No. That’s not all. I wanted to talk to Serena about the rest. It concerns her.”

“No. Tell me. Whatever concerns my wife concerns me.”

Jonathan took a sip of his tea and sighed. “Now Carello is suspected of murder. He was picked up and questioned by homicide, but they don’t have enough to hold him. I don’t know where he killed her—if he killed her—but if he did, there’s no sign of it. Hell, no one even knew where to look and your wife didn’t tell me anything specific. I assume it’s the landfill closest to Carello’s house, but it’s a large area.”

Ian inclined his head. “I’ll find out from her and call you. Is that it?”

“No.” After taking another sip, Jonathan set his tea down again. “The FBI got wind of the murder investigation, and since they’ve been trying to pin a whole slew of shit on Carello for years, they started showing up at his house to question him. They’re watching him and making sure he knows that he’s on their radar. They started questioning him about some of his businesses. But no one saw anyone leave the house with a body. Hell, they didn’t even know she’d been killed and weren’t looking for someone smuggling a body out of the house.”

Jonathan smiled faintly. “And since they’re also watching them, and are allowing him to see that they’re watching him, he’s had to curtail certain activities. It’s costing him money. The feds arrested several of his employees for an assortment of things, concealed carry without a license, prostitution, some of them underage, drugs, even shutting down a few of his bars for serving to minors. They haven’t found anyone who’ll testify to the extortion yet, so they can’t even use this for leverage. Carello’s getting desperate. He’s trying to make a deal.”

Jonathan drew a breath and blew it out in a rush. “He mentioned Serena.”

Ian saw red, his fury so intense it turned to ice. “Why the hell is he talking about my wife? What did he say?”

Jonathan rose and began to pace. “He told the FBI that she was psychic. That she knew things and she’s using that to help you increase your fortune in illegal ways.”

Ian raised a brow at that, his blood boiling. “Such as?”

“Such as the stock market, gambling, and theft.”

“Oh? What are we supposed to have stolen?”

Jonathan paused behind the sofa facing Ian and sighed again, his features tight. “Jewelry, paintings, and that bit with someone breaking into the FBI office and stealing counterfeit money… Well, that’s something that’s still talked about.”

Other than raising a brow, Ian let nothing of his thoughts show. “So my wife is a criminal?”

Jonathan took his seat again. “That’s Carello’s claim. You and your wife are using her psychic abilities to steal. To cheat. Whatever. Most of the agents see it for what it is, and even more think this psychic crap is bullshit.”

With a shrug, Jonathan leaned back, his fingertips on the arm of the chair. “Word got to my boss. He called me in to ask me what the hell I knew about it. I told him that you were rich as hell long before Serena came along and had no trouble making investments long before she got here. I knew of Carello, but I looked up his file to see what they had. They have a lot more than I thought. But Carello must have been pretty damn convincing because he’s drawing a lot of attention to Serena. They’re curious about her now.”

“I see.” Ian rose, too restless to sit, the thought of Serena being in the government’s crosshairs churning his stomach. “Well, their curiosity is going to have to go unsatisfied.”

Shaking his head, Jonathan sat forward. “I wish it was that easy.”

“It’s going to have to be.”

Shaking his head again, he sat back and met Ian’s gaze, the worry in it tightening Ian’s stomach even more. “My boss wants to meet her. He’s got her under surveillance now. If she can do what you think she can do, she should know it by now. Has she said anything to you?”

Ian wondered if his wife knew and was keeping it from them, or if she truly hadn’t picked up on it. He forced a smile. “None of your business.”

He didn’t know, but he would for damn sure find out.

Rancher’s Woman

(Erotically Yours 6)

Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Western

Caroline Cobb fell in love with her neighbor Beck Branson when a teen. Back then, she did nothing but amuse Beck, but now he has fallen in love with her too. Caroline is embarrassed by her past behavior and she’s avoiding Beck, even when he visits her ailing father.

Beck wants Caroline to share her burdens with him, but she will only share her body. As soon as he touches her, he wants her in his life permanently. He’s convinced she’s the only woman for him.

When Caroline’s father dies, his wife, Mona, and her children, Chantel and Daniel, set out to make trouble over the will, despite divorce papers. Everything comes to a head, including an attack on Caroline, and it’s left to Beck to pay them back for hurting the woman he loves.


“I was thinking about going for a ride. I don’t get to ride as much as I used to. Just ride for the hell of it instead of to get from point A to point B.”

Her lips twitched. “My father says you’re a busy man.”

“That I am.”

It used to amuse him when she was in high school and flirted with him, but once she started getting her college degree online and gradually taking over running The Red Stone, he hadn’t been able to deny his attraction to her.

He reminded himself often that she was too young for him.

Too inexperienced.

Too innocent.

Knowing that his hard edges would slice her to pieces, he did his best to avoid her.

For the first time, he realized that she hadn’t hunted him down in months.

She inclined her head. “I’m sure those women in Dallas kept you busy while you were there.” Without giving him a chance to answer, and before he knew how he would, she continued as if not expecting an answer or not wanting to hear it. “Duff going crazy getting ready for your Fourth of July party?”

Randy Duff, a man with a heart of gold and a temper like lightning, was the cook on the Branson Ranch.

Beck allowed a small smile. “He’s mostly bossing the caterers around. It wouldn’t be so hard on him if he didn’t insist that he was the better cook. If he didn’t have such an issue with having to be in control all the time, things would be a hell of a lot easier for him.”

Caroline raised a brow at that. “That’s rich coming from you.”

Her smile turned him inside out in a way he didn’t want to look at too closely.

Firming his voice, he wished he could see her brilliant green gaze, fighting to ignore the fact that she excited him like no other woman.

She teased him, criticized him, and argued with him, while other women bent over backward to get close to him.

At times, she irritated him.

At times, she inflamed him.

But she always challenged him and never, ever bored him.

Wishing he could stroke her, he did the closest thing and stroked a hand down the silky coat of her favorite horse, Storm.

He smiled and looked up at her. “I remember when I asked you why you named him Storm. You were right about him. He’s powerful, fast, strong, and just a little mean and unpredictable.”

“Sometimes he can be very mean and unpredictable.”

Her tone worried him, and he wished once again he could see her eyes. “What’s wrong, baby?”

She stared out at the horizon for so long he figured she wasn’t going to answer, but finally she shrugged. “Nothing. Don’t call me that.”

Reacting before he could stop himself, he laid a hand on her thigh. “You’ve never lied to me before, Caroline.”

Caroline drew a steadying breath, the rock in her stomach and lump in her throat bringing tears to her eyes. “You haven’t paid enough attention to me to know that. I need to ride. I’ll see you at your party.”

He watched her ride away, angry as hell that she’d lied to him.

Confused and surprisingly hurt that she wanted to get away from him, he strode to the stable and hurriedly saddled his horse.

Something was wrong, and he wouldn’t be able to rest until he found out what it was and fixed it.

Suspecting it had something to do with her stepmother and Mona’s two spoiled brats, both in their thirties and with no visible means of support other than living off of others, he clenched his jaw, inwardly cursing.

“Problem, boss?”

Beck continued to saddle his horse, glancing at Wes Roberts, his foreman. “Not sure. I’ll be at the watering hole. Make sure no one goes in that direction.”

Wes frowned. “Somethin’ wrong with Miss Caroline?”

Surprised, Beck turned. “You know that Caroline goes there?”

Wes smiled humorlessly. “The night her mother was diagnosed, she and Mr. Cobb came home from the hospital and she disappeared. It was already dark, and everyone was worried. No one knew where the hell to find her. No one knew if she was hurt. We knew she couldn’t get lost. Hell, that girl knew the ranch like the back of her hand, but what if she’d wandered off or if she’d run into some unsavory character?”


“Mr. Cobb was beside himself, and we were ready to send out a search party when Bull got back from Fort Worth where he’d gone to a sale and called off the search, said he knew where she was. I was already there and ready to go out and went with him. Found the poor thing just sitting on one of those rocks and staring out in the dark.”

Shaking his head, Wes blew out a breath. “I never felt such relief in my life. Bull just stopped there where she’d tethered her horse and waited. Hell, we must have waited an hour before she came to us. I’ll never forget how she looked. Barely a young woman, with tears in her eyes and her little shoulders slumped as if she carried the weight of the world on them.”

Wes wiped a hand over his eyes. “Turned out she did.”

Beck wished he’d been there at that time, but although he’d bought the property before her mother’s death, he hadn’t moved in until months afterward.

If he’d known her and what she’d endured, nothing would have kept him away.

And nothing could keep him away now.

Logan’s Desire

(Desire, Oklahoma 18)

Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense, BDSM, MF, HEA

Katherine Long had met Logan James years earlier and had fallen in love with him almost from the start. Logan, though, admitted to her that he was a Dominant and said she was too innocent for him. He feared that one day she would look at him with fear or disgust in her eyes.

Logan tried his best to stay away from Kat for months before finally admitting that she was the only woman for him, so he drove to Memphis with the intention of admitting his love for her. He got to the hospital just in time to watch Kat’s beloved grandmother die—and for Kat to fall apart.

When Logan takes her to Desire to build a life together, neither suspects that a coworker has hidden drugs in her car and that danger will follow.


The hole in her heart, which had begun with Logan’s rejection of her, had grown since her grandmother’s stroke until it had become excruciating.

It took everything out of her.

She’d never known it was possible to be so tired.

So empty inside.

Dropping her head onto the bed, she kept her grandmother’s hand clasped in hers and let herself sleep.

Logan found her that way, the relief at finally finding her so intense, he paused just inside the door to look at her.

He moved closer, the low music coming from a small speaker on the bed both calming and depressing as hell.

It sounded like the music played in funeral homes during a funeral.

Katherine, sitting in a chair, her head on her folded arms on the bed, faced away from him, but he could see clearly that she’d lost a good bit of weight.

Furious that she’d kept this from them, he leaned against the wall, taking in the plain, colorless room, the monitors and the tubes running in and out of the old, too-pale woman sleeping peacefully.

He watched them for almost an hour, straightening when the left side of Eleanor’s body began to twitch restlessly and several of the monitors started beeping.

Katherine jolted upright, looking over when several nurses burst through the door, her already too-pale face paling even more when she saw him. “What’s going on?”

Her grandmother suddenly stilled, and the nurse took Kat’s arm. “You need to move.”

The nurse nudged the chair out of the way, and as they worked on her grandmother, Logan went to Kat and gently pulled her aside.

She gasped. “What are you doing here? Go away!”

Stiffening against him, she tried to pull away, but Logan held firm, pressing his lips against her ear. “Stop fighting me.”

He turned her toward him, holding her against his chest and watched the nurses’ faces and the monitor that flat-lined.

Katherine jolted and turned, shaking her head. “No!”

Another nurse and a doctor came in and after listening to her grandmother’s chest, the doctor sighed and met Kathy’s gaze.

Releasing her so she could go to her grandmother’s side, Logan followed as the doctor kept his gaze on Kathy’s. “I’m sorry. She had another stroke. It was more than her body could handle.”

Watching Kat wrap her arms around her grandmother, her sobs racking her body, Logan felt his heart break.

Nodding to acknowledge the doctor, he went to stand behind Kat, running a hand up and down her back in an effort to soothe her and to let her know she was no longer alone.

She cried so hard he feared she would make herself sick before finally straightening, a shudder going through her.

Kathy felt a sense of disbelief, feeling a distance from her surroundings, as if she was watching the incredibly sad scene play out in a movie. A kind of blessed numbness settled over her and made it possible for her to allow Logan to help her into her cardigan and lead her out of the room.

Voices around her faded into the background, the words jumbling together and unrecognizable.

She knew Logan spoke to the nurses at the nurses’ station, his deep tone one she could never forget, but it took too much effort to decipher his words.

His voice, deep and soothing, was enough.

God, she’d missed him.

She shivered, cold everywhere except the hand he held in his.

She went where he guided her, which allowed her to stop thinking altogether.

Logan led her to his car, the arm around her firm, warm, and solid. He paused at the passenger door, drawing her against him. “I’m here for you, baby. You’re not alone. Just lean on me. I’ll help you get through this.”

Pressing her face against his shoulder, she breathed him in, tears filling her eyes and spilling over. “She’s gone, Logan. I wanted her to get better. I didn’t want to believe…”

“I know, love.” He ran his hands up and down her back, his lips pressing against her hair. “I know how much she meant to you. Let me get you home.”

“I don’t have a home anymore.” The reality of it hit her hard. She got into the passenger seat, unmoving as he fastened her seat belt and closed the door again.

Staring out the window, she leaned her head back, still reeling with her grandmother’s death and Logan’s sudden appearance. She’d loved him for years, loved him so much that when he told her that things wouldn’t work out between them, it broke her heart.

Even now, when nothing else seemed to get through the fog surrounding her, her feelings for him did.

For him to show up so suddenly, just when she needed him most, was both a blessing and torture. Leaning on him gave her the comfort and strength she needed, but she knew it was temporary and her heart would break all over again when he left.

He would leave, and the loneliness would become unbearable.

“You shouldn’t have come. Why did you have to come?”

Reaching across, he took her hand in his. “If I’d known what was going on, I would have been here sooner.”

Too numb for embarrassment, she continued to stare out the side window. “I need you to go. I need to get over you.”

Logan stopped at a red light and turned her face to his, the warm firmness of his fingertips on her chin causing butterflies in her belly. “I can’t get over you, so why would I allow you to get over me?”

Dakota Firestorm

(Dakota Heat 9)

Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense, Western, MFMMM, HEA

Danielle Marsh takes a job as a police officer in Aberdeen, South Dakota, where her sister, Veronica, is a student, when she can’t get in touch with Ronni. When she meets her new boss, she finds herself more than attracted to him, but when she discovers Ronni is, in fact, missing, Danni finds herself embroiled in far more than she expected in the college town.

Travis Branson hired Danni, never expecting that she would change his life and those of his brother and cousins forever. With an influx of drugs creating mayhem at the university and his own cops on the take, Travis has more than enough to deal with. But his desire for Danni, along with the interest from his brother, Mace, and his cousins, Drake and Zane, is impossible to ignore. They know immediately that she’ll belong to them.

After Veronica is rescued, Travis settles the women at the ranch the four men share and launches an operation with the FBI to catch the drug dealers, never suspecting Danni is in danger.


Travis reached over to touch Danni’s hand. “What did Andrew tell you about your sister?”

“He said that she’s out with friends. Doesn’t know who she went with, where they were, or when she’d be back. So, I’m waiting.”

“We’re gonna go check it out. Come on. Let’s go fuck up this guy’s night.”

Danni scrambled from the SUV, more than willing to go knock on this asshole’s door again.

As they crossed the street, the man who came out the front door saw Travis, still in uniform, and took off toward his car.

“I’ve got the back.” Drake ran around to the back of the house, while Travis easily caught the other man and cuffed him.

Using another set of cuffs to secure the man to his car door, he looked back at Danni. “You and I are going to talk later.” He slammed the other man, one screaming for Andy, against the car door. “Shut the fuck up.”

Danni nodded and stood just outside the front door, suspecting that the loud music kept Andrew from hearing his customer.

Moving to the front door, Travis placed his hand over his weapon and knocked loudly on the door. “Stand so he can see you.”

Travis stepped to the side and, when the door opened, nudged Danni back and stood in front of the door, his gun pointed at Andrew’s chest. “Where’s Veronica Marsh?”

As Danni expected, Andrew, although slow at first, probably due to his own merchandise, quickly realized that he might be in some sort of trouble.

Especially when the coffee table behind him was covered with an assortment of drugs, a nine-millimeter handgun, and a scale.

Andrew turned, but before he could bolt, Travis grabbed him by the back of his shirt and yanked him toward him. “Well, what do we have here?”

“Fuck you!” Andrew’s dirty T-shirt ripped as he managed to jerk away from Travis and went for the gun on the table.

Travis caught him again, yanking his hands behind his back and using a zip tie that had been secured at his side, secured his wrists behind his back.

“Looks like you were right about the drugs.”

“I don’t give a shit about the drugs. I want to see if I can find something that’ll tell me where the hell my sister is. I know she lived with him. I— Jesus! Ronni!”


She leapt toward her sister, studying her bruised and swollen face just as Drake came in from the back. “That asshole did that to you?”

The music suddenly stopped, and Danni blocked out the curses and threats coming from the other side of the room where Travis had tossed Andrew into a chair. “I need to get you to a hospital.”

“No. I’m fine.” Veronica’s blood-shot eyes filled with tears. “I’m just so glad you’re here. When you came earlier, I was in the bathroom. I didn’t hear you. When you left, Andrew told me it was you.”

She glanced at Andrew and seemed to shrink into herself, pissing Danni off even more. “When I heard you were in town, I knew it was almost over.”

Both enraged and relieved to tears, Danni wanted to hug her sister but didn’t know the extent of her injuries. She wrapped her arms lightly around her and rubbed her back. “Christ, I’ve been so scared.”

Drake approached, easing back when Ronni jolted. “I’m gonna take one in while Travis takes the other. Mace will drive you in your car to the hospital. We’ll meet you there unless you leave earlier. Then we’ll see you at home.”

“At home?” Ronni blinked and wiped her wet cheeks.

“I’ll explain everything. Let’s go.” She glanced at Travis, giving him a stony look as he spoke on his radio to the police station, asking for two officers by name to come to the scene.

Drake opened the door for her and escorted her outside, where Mace stood, standing guard over the guy still secured to his car door.

With a look of horror, Mace rushed forward, glancing at Danni. “What the hell? Is this your sister?”

“Yes. I need to get her to the hospital.”

“I don’t want to go to the hospital, Danni. I want to get my stuff. I packed almost everything up except for my clothes.”

Drake lightly touched Ronni’s shoulder. “Where is it?”

Ronni smiled, wincing and touching her lip. “I have two big blue bins in the garage. I hid them under a piece of tarp. My clothes are in the first three drawers in the dresser and in the closet.”

Nodding, Drake looked into Danni’s eyes. “I’ll take care of it, okay? I know you have no reason to trust me, but I’ll get your sister’s things together and bring them to the house.”

Mace bent and lifted Ronni. “Let’s get you to the hospital. I’m Mace, by the way. You must be Veronica.”

“Ronni.” With fear in her eyes, she held out a hand to Danni. “I recognized the chief, but I don’t know any of these men. How long have you been here?”

Danni grimaced and opened the back door of her SUV. “A couple of hours. Mace here is Travis’s brother. Drake and Zane are brothers and their cousins. I want to hear about how the hell you got tangled up with this asshole and what he’s done to you.”

She closed the door behind her sister, turning and stopping abruptly when she found Mace directly in front of her.

He lifted her chin, his dark gaze steady on hers. “She’ll be safe now. Both of you will.”

Even scared and pissed off, she couldn’t deny the slam to her system. “I can take care of myself and my sister. But something’s wrong in the department. I don’t trust anyone. I can take her to the hospital myself.”

“No. Sit in the back with her. I’ll drive.”

Recipe for Desire: The Perfect Mixture

(More Desire, Oklahoma 11)

Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Menage, BDSM, Romantic Suspense, MFM, HEA

Emma Ross married Dominants, two men who insisted on control, two men with rage inside, but she’d seen the tenderness beneath. She loves her husbands and has a wonderful life with them and their infant son. Now that she’s recovered from giving birth, she yearns for the passion of the past, but they continue to thwart her efforts to indulge in their playroom.

To make the situation worse, a woman who used to be their submissive wants them back, and she’ll do anything to get them. Charlene tried to kill Emma in the past, and this time, she’s determined to get Hunter and Remington back.

Doubts build, and Charlene’s involvement creates a distance between Emma and her husbands that has never been there before. Emma wants nothing more than to get on with their lives so she can indulge in both the dark hungers and loving tenderness of the two men she loves. But first she has to deal with Charlene.


With a sigh, Hunter rose to refill his coffee mug. “Baby, you don’t have any reason to be jealous. You know damned well that you’re the love of my life.”

“Our lives.” Remington smiled and ran a hand down her back as he dropped onto the stool next to her again. “Hunter told me about it, baby. He was going to tell you when you came home, but you were in a bad mood and he figured it would be better to find out what was wrong first. Nobody was going to keep something like that from you.”

Hunter turned from the counter and, seeing that Marcus had finished with the teething biscuit and getting fussy, started to clean him up. “Anyway, I doubt if I see her again. She said she wanted to apologize and that it would help her with her therapy. I’d rather just forget the whole thing. She’s not a part of our lives.”

“She had a hand on your chest. You were holding her arms.”

Hunter finished cleaning up and removed the tray to take Marcus out of the highchair. “She laid her hand on my chest, and I pushed her away. Don’t you trust me?”

She held out her arms for the baby, snuggling him close while Hunter prepared his bottle. “Did she kiss you?”

“Oh, Christ, Emma.” He scraped a hand through his hair. “She kissed me on the cheek, hence me gripping her arms to push her away. Please don’t make a big deal out of this. I wanted to punch her in the face for what she’d done to you, but I’m not violent toward women.”

He smiled and tested the warmth of the bottle. “You taught me that I never could be.”

“Did you kiss her?”

“Of course not! Hell. The only reason I didn’t boot her out on her ass was because she said she was getting help. I didn’t want to do anything to sabotage that. I just wanted her to get the hell out of there so I could lock up and get home to you.”

Emma nodded, believing him.

Taking the bottle, she started to feed her son, glancing at both men. “She confronted me.”

Remington’s gaze sharpened. “What? When? Where?”

Hunter slammed his coffee mug onto the island, his expression hard. “Son of a bitch!”

Remington took a steadying breath and let it out slowly. “When did this happen?”

“Tonight, when I left the restaurant. She confronted me in the parking lot.”

With a sigh, Hunter picked up his coffee again, trying to appear nonchalant, while inside his blood boiled. “She probably just wanted to apologize to you. I’m sorry. I should have anticipated that, but it surprises me that she did it so quickly.”

Remington nodded and glanced at Hunter. “You said she was in contact with the club. She was probably on her way there and saw Emma coming out of the restaurant. Probably wanted to finish with the apologies.” He smiled at Emma. “Is that what she did? Apologize to you?”

Lifting a brow, Emma gave Remington a look that usually meant trouble. “That’s what she said. She’d blocked my car in. I told her I didn’t want her apology. She tried to kill me. I told her to get the fuck out of my way and move the car before I moved it for her. Then she told me she wished she’d killed me when she had the chance.”

Remington frowned and ran a hand over her shoulder. “Baby, are you sure she wasn’t just trying to apologize to you?”

Hunter leaned toward her. “Maybe you misunderstood because you’re already afraid of her. I don’t want you to be afraid of her. If I thought she had any plans to do you any harm, I’d take care of it.”

Hurt, she sent Hunter a dirty look and rose to take Marcus to the nursery. “So you go ahead and accept her apology. I won’t.”

Coming around the counter, Hunter gripped her shoulder. “Baby, I’m sorry if she scared you. I’ll make sure she doesn’t bother you again.”

“She didn’t scare me. She pissed me off. The next time she comes anywhere near me, I’m gonna hurt her.”

She turned at the doorway. “And if either one of you decide to go see her at the club, you can pack your bags.”

“What the fuck?”

Shaken, more than she cared to admit, Emma left the two of them alone in the kitchen and went back to the nursery.

Hunter and Remington had a soft spot for women, like most of the other men who lived in Desire.

It appeared that softness extended to wanting to believe that the woman who’d attacked her now felt sorry for it and was getting help.

But Emma had seen the truth in the other woman’s eyes.

She’d heard the evil.

She’d heard it in Charlene’s voice.

Now, she just had to figure out what to do about it.

The Desire, Oklahoma Collection, Volume 4

(Desire Oklahoma 7 and 11)

Erotic Romance, BDSM , Contemporary, Ménage a Trois, Spanking, Whipping, Sex Toys, MFM, HEA

A compilation of books seven and eleven in the Desire, Oklahoma collection:

  • Submission to Desire
  • Desire Unleashed


Submission to Desire

“So, you liked the fact that he wanted to hurt women. I knew it. Any men who would own a place like this must really hate women. I’m sure he fit right in. You people make me sick.”

She shot to her feet with the intention of getting the hell out of here before she threw something at their heads, but King moved fast for such a large man and caught her before she could even take a step.

With fire in his eyes, he gripped her upper arms.

“I don’t appreciate being judged by a woman who doesn’t know the first thing about me.”

Royce came to his feet, no longer smiling. “Or what we do here. We kept Donner close to watch him. We all talked to him over and over about the way to treat women, and Blade, our partner, even went out to meet with him. We were afraid that he would be a danger to women in the club in Virginia, and even went so far as to warn the owners there.”

King gestured toward the sofa, leading her back to it. As she sat, he braced a hand on the arm and loomed over her.

“We knew that there was a woman he was fixated on, but we didn’t know who you were. We’re very sorry that you had to go through that. We do not promote abusing women.”

Breathing a sigh of relief when King stepped back, and watching the play of muscle as he perched on the arm of the chair across from her, Brenna fisted her hands on her lap.

“You’re Doms, right?” Even if she didn’t know that they owned this place, she would know that they were. Something about their presence reminded her of the Dominants she’d met back in Virginia. It was in their posture, in their eyes, and in the way they looked at a woman, as though not wanting to miss a single weakness that they could exploit at their leisure.

The confidence, and arrogance, couldn’t be mistaken.

King inclined his head. “We are.”

Expecting that answer, and the cool tone, Brenna nodded. “So, are you going to try to tell me that you don’t use whips on women? You don’t hit them? Hurt them? Isn’t that how you get your kicks?”

Royce shot to his feet, but King waved him back, the calculating gleam in his eyes sending off all sorts of red flags. “If you’re really curious, I’ll be happy to answer all your questions, but I’m not about to sit here and argue with you when you’ve already made up your closed mind about us and what we do here.”

The disappointment and censure in his tone made her feel like a heel, but remembering Donner and his cruelty infuriated her all over again.

“I’m not buying it.” She jumped when Royce came close and squatted down in front of her, stiffening when he ran his fingers over the back of her hands in a caress she assumed should have felt nonthreatening. Alarmed at the rivulets of heat that ran up her arm, she forced herself to remain still, shaken by his intense stare and the cool calculation in his eyes.

Royce smiled knowingly and ran his fingers up her arm, sharpening the tingling sensation.

“I’m afraid I’d have to agree with King. If you really want to understand, we’ll be glad to answer all of your questions.” He lifted a finger when she started to speak.

“But, we’d like to show you. That’s the only way you’d truly understand. The only way you’ll be able to see the way we live is to experience it for yourself.”

Brenna pulled her hand away and scooted as far as she could away from him. “Sure. Sign me up and make me pay an exorbitant amount of money for you and all your customers to beat me. I don’t care what you call it, it’s just an excuse to hurt a woman. Even those men in the club carried whips with them. The women thought it was sexy. I didn’t.”

Hoping he didn’t see the lie in her eyes, she lifted her chin, silently daring him to call her a liar.

Royce’s gaze sharpened, his eyes becoming the deepest green she’d ever seen.

“So, you’re a submissive? Do you go to clubs regularly? Do you belong to someone?”

Bristling at the bite in his tone, she shot to her feet and started forward, only to have King come to his feet and block her again.

“Belong to someone? What’s with you people and that belonging crap? I don’t belong to anyone and I only went to that club once. And no, I’m not a submissive and I don’t ever plan to be. Frankly, I just don’t get why any woman would want to be.”

Royce came to his feet and moved in behind her, the fingers he ran up and down her arm making her shiver.

“Maybe you are. Maybe you’re not. Maybe you don’t want to know for sure because you’re afraid of the answer. You went to that club for a reason.”

“That’s ridiculous.” She jerked out of his hold and started for the door, both relieved and disappointed when neither man made a move to stop her. “Just because you’re surrounded by women who let you do what you want to them, you think every woman you meet is the same. I’m not. I think you’re all assholes.”

Proud of her exit line, she turned the knob and yanked, cursing when it didn’t budge. Whirling, she fumed. “Open the fucking door and let me the hell out of here.”


Desire Unleashed

His handsome features, so beloved, softened as he trailed his fingers over her hair. “I’m sorry, baby. I sure as hell didn’t mean to scare you. Keeping her hand in his, he turned away, leading her into the living room. “I’ve been pretty scared myself. Give me a minute. I have no fucking idea how to begin.”

Nat allowed him to pull her down to the sofa, but instead of snuggling against him the way she normally did, she slid to the opposite end and turned toward him, needing to see his face. “Well, you’re going to have to figure it out. You’re pissing me off.”

Jake didn’t smile the way she’d expected, and even more alarming, his eyes didn’t light with anticipation the way they usually did when she confronted him with her temper.

Instead, he sighed. “I know, and I’m sorry for it. I haven’t given you what you need from me these last few months, have I, baby?”

His lips twisted. “My only excuse is that I’m scared, Nat.” Holding her gaze, he sighed. “I’m scared to death of losing you.”

“That could never happen. I can’t imagine not loving you.” Too nervous to sit still, she started to get up, cursing when Jake grabbed her arm and pulled her to land heavily against him.

Overcoming her struggles with frustrating ease, Jake pulled her onto his lap. “You’re not going anywhere. Let me finish, damn it!”

“Then finish!” Nat’s temper dissolved at the anguish on her husband’s face. “I’m sorry. Tell me, Jake. Please.”

“Don’t you think I’m trying?” He scrubbed a hand over his face in a rare sign of frustration. “I’m probably going to screw this up, but you’re staying right where you are until I get it all out.”

“Fine. Just do it.” Shaken by her usually controlled husband’s demeanor, Nat waited, her nerves stretching to the breaking point as she watched his inner struggle.

Jake sighed again, his sharp gaze holding hers. “Hoyt’s retiring.”

A gasp escaped before she could prevent it, and it took every ounce of willpower she possessed to show only mild interest.

At least she hoped she only showed mild interest.

The jolt to her system made her heart pound furiously and affected her breathing. She fought to hide it, ashamed of herself for still having feelings for the man who’d been out of her life for years. “Is that who all those private calls and text messages have been from? What the hell does that have to do with us?”


Her first lover.

Her son’s father.

The man who’d held a piece of her heart ever since he’d first captured it.

The image of the way he’d looked the last time she saw him rose in her mind—her stomach fluttering when she remembered the pain and resignation in his eyes.

Jake’s eyes sharpened. “There it is.”

Running a hand over her hair, he lifted her face to his, tightening his hold when she would have pulled away. “You would never have said anything about it, but it’s there. It hasn’t dimmed at all, has it, baby?”

Ashamed of herself, she averted her gaze, fighting the surge of panic that made her stomach roll. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Nothing mattered except what she had with Jake. Nothing could ever be allowed to come between them.

His lips thinned. “You know Hoyt and I have always been close. We’ve spoken on and off over the last several years, but much more in the last few months.”

Nat frowned, fighting not to show any emotion as she struggled to understand where this was going. “Oh?”

Jake rubbed his hand up and down her back, the way he did when she was upset about something. Lifting her chin, he regarded her steadily, his hand still moving in a slow rhythm as if he worked to loosen the tight muscles in her back she hadn’t wanted him to know about. “He used to come and visit every chance he got, but he stopped coming a few years ago.” His eyes sharpened on hers. “You’ve never mentioned it—never asked about it. That’s not like you. The more I thought about it, the more it shook me. You want to tell me why you never mentioned it?”

Sitting on his lap, she found it difficult to avoid his gaze—a maneuver she recognized well. Spinning her wedding ring around her finger, Nat shrugged, trying not to think about those visits from Hoyt—visits that had been both heaven and hell for her. “I figured he stopped coming by because he got busy. I assumed he had a girlfriend.”

She’d lost a lot of sleep thinking about Hoyt in the arms of another woman, something that both shamed and infuriated her.

He used to visit every chance he got and especially made a point to visit at the holidays whenever possible. Over the last three years, he hadn’t spent his vacation time with them, and had missed every holiday.

Holidays had been hell for her because she’d imagined him spending them with another woman.

Leaning forward, Jake took her left hand in his, staring down at it as he ran his thumb back and forth over her wedding band. “No. He doesn’t have a girlfriend.” Lifting his gaze to hers, he lifted a brow. “I think you know why he stopped coming around. The fact that you haven’t discussed it with me has given me quite a few sleepless nights.”

Her stomach fluttered, nerves making her too restless to sit still. Yanking her hand out of his, she jumped to her feet. “I have no idea why he stopped coming around. Hey!”

Jake tumbled her to the sofa, covering her body with his, and lying full length over her. “Be still.” Using his weight to press her to the cushions, he ran his fingers through her hair, his eyes hard and cool. “We’re not done here.”

Panthers’ Prisoner

(Black Panthers 6)

Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifters, Suspense, MFM, HEA

When her uncle pushes her to date Nico, Antonia Carerra doesn’t understand until she overhears a conversation between them. Soon she is on the run, trying desperately to hide from a man she senses is very bad. When the men her uncle and Nico have hired find her, she’s puzzled by the strong effect these men have on her. She’s overwhelmed by desire.

She has no experience with such lust, and panicked and alarmed, she soon learns that Mitch Landon and Graham Tate want her for their own. When her escape attempts prove futile, her struggle to resist them becomes impossible. Even learning that the men are shapeshifters doesn’t diminish her hunger for them, but she needs more than their word that she is their mate to profess her love.

Toni soon discovers that her ex-lover is a dangerous man and will go to any lengths to make her his. She also learns that her two panthers will go to any length to protect the most precious thing in the world to them—their mate.


After another pause, he inclined his head. “I get it, my m—honey. I understand why you’re wary of us. We don’t know how to convince you that you can trust us, and it’s a little frustrating because it’s so important.”

“If you’re not taking me back to Nico or my uncle, why is it so important?”

Turning back to her, Graham sighed. “Because I don’t think they’re going to stop looking for you until they know you’re safe.”

“That’s bullshit!” Toni whirled on him. “I’m not heartless. I called my uncle a few days after I left, when I got a burner phone and got far enough away, to tell him I was all right. He told me to run!”

Graham’s eyes narrowed. “Why?”

“None of your business. Please leave.”

Graham cursed. “Fuck it. I’m gonna go get some food. You try to talk to her.”

“Why don’t you both go? I need to take a shower.”

Sharing a look with Graham, Mitch nodded. “Okay. Mitch will go pick up some food while you take your shower. I’ll be here to make sure no one gets in.”

Graham slid his gaze to Toni’s. “Is the food good in the restaurant you work in?”


Graham inclined his head and walked out.

Mitch pulled a chair out from the table and placed it close to the door. “Go ahead and get your shower before the food comes.”

Staying in the shadows, Graham pulled out his cell phone and called the farm, slowing his steps when he wanted to hurry back to his mate.


“Leland, it’s Graham.”

“Did you find her?”

“Yeah. She’s pissed and not very trusting.”

“But she’s safe?”

“Yes. She doesn’t want to go back to Nico or her uncle.”

“I already returned the money.”

“Before we found her?”

“I trust your instincts. Either way, knowing she was your mate, she wasn’t going back.”

“That’s the fucking truth. I still don’t know how you and Joe know which ones of us to send out together, but neither one of us expected this.”

“We’ve sent men out on jobs in every fucking combination. We sent Mitch this time in case she was injured when she was kidnapped or drugged. These assholes don’t always know what they’re doing when they drug people. How the hell do we know what’s gonna happen?” He chuckled softly. “At least we know she’s safe. Pissed, huh?”

“Yeah.” Graham came to a stop. “We startled her, and she thought we were Nico’s goons, and she fought to get away.”

“Yeah, that’ll make you crazy. The scent alone makes it difficult not to shift.”

“If I’d done that, I would have scared her to death.”

“Yeah, that’s what happened with Glenna. She survived it. So, how did you find her?”

“Blind fucking luck. And good hunting. You saw in her a traffic camera, which told us she was headed south, and that she was riding a bicycle. We figured she could get lost in Virginia Beach but didn’t figure she had or would want to spend the money to stay there. Too expensive.”


“Caught her scent a couple of times. Just followed it. Then we lost it. Frustrating as hell.”

“I know the feeling.”

“We stopped for something to eat at a small restaurant on the outskirts of Virginia Beach. Picked up her scent again., and when we showed her picture, the woman who owns the place lied and said she didn’t know her.”


“Asked a couple other people who worked in town, and they pointed us in the right direction of a shithole motel. From there, we just followed our noses. I’m on my way back to the restaurant now to get something for all of us to eat. Graham’s with her. We’re hoping we can convince her that she can trust us not to take her back to Richmond.”

Leland sighed. “Yeah, but she’s not gonna trust you to bring her back here.”

“Then she’s gonna run out of options. Hell, she’ll just leave here and find another town or a low-rent part of a big city that she could get lost in.”

“Again, that’s what my mate did, along with her sister. Keep her close. If she manages to shake loose, you could lose her forever.”

Graham grimaced at the memory of the Alphas’ frantic search for their mate. “If I remember right, when you found them, Glenna was pregnant and some gang-bangers were bothering her.”

“Not for long. Stay close to your mate.”

Graham smiled at that. “Hell, being away from her now is making me nervous.”

His smile fell. He rubbed the back of his neck where it tingled. “I just wanted to touch base. I’ve got—”

Two dark cars, luxury cars that looked out of place, turned onto the street.

“I don’t like this. Looks like we might have been found. How the hell…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nico’s men. They’re here. They all drive the same cars and wear way too much cologne. How the fuck did they find her? I’ll call you when I can.”

Disconnecting, he hurriedly called Mitch.


“Get outta there.”


Graham heard the sound of the bathroom door being broken and then another curse as water was shut off. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s gone.”

Firebrand of Desire

(Desire, OK, Founding Fathers 7)

Erotic Romance, Historical, Menage, Romantic Suspense, MFMM, HEA

Mary Snyder buries her family and leaves the only home she’s ever known to travel alone to a family she’s never met. The trip proves more dangerous than she expects, and she’s on the brink of death when three men save her.

Working on an outpost at the Circle T Ranch in Oklahoma, Ron Mason, Cabe Whitfield, and Dell Barstow find Mary, shot and half frozen, never suspecting that their lives will soon be changed forever. Taking her for their own, they move to the main compound of the ranch, but a stranger in their midst threatens everything.

For Mary, experiencing pleasure for the first time is easy, but falling in love with three men rocks her to her core. With her fate in their hands, she learns about trust and that love is too precious to deny.


Ron Mason finished his breakfast, downed the rest of his coffee, picked up his hat, and rose. “I’ll be in the barn.”

They’d already fed and watered the horses, and he wanted to start checking and oiling the tack.
With this weather, they wouldn’t be doin’ much else.

Amused at Cabe Whitfield’s grunt of acknowledgment, Ron shared a look with Dell Barstow. “Looks like we won’t be fixin’ fence for a while.”

Dell rose and picked up his own hat, smashing it on his head before lifting the collar of his coat to cover his neck. “Yeah, and when we do, it’s gonna be a lot worse. I’m sure these snow drifts and winds are gonna knock down some of them.”

Ron donned his hat and pulled up his own collar. “Yeah. It’ll be a lot of work before they bring the herd back. Thanks, Marty.”

With a wave of his hand, the cook went back to working on their next meal.

He, Cabe, and Dell, along with Marty, worked one of the outposts of the Circle T ranch, a large ranch that paid well and where the owners were fair.

The cattle had been moved closer to the main compound at the beginning of fall, leaving the four men alone for the winter.

Eb and Jeremiah Tyler, the owners of the large ranch, had stocked them with supplies for the winter, leaving them to protect against predators, both animal and human, that could be headed for the ranch, along with repairing fencing.

Only the most trusted ranch hands worked at the compound, where the wives and children lived.
They hadn’t yet earned that distinction.

Ron slid on his gloves and left the chow shack, holding on to the door to keep the wind from ripping it out of his hand.

Cursing, he let Dell and Cabe out before slamming it shut again.

With his head bent, he trudged his way through the deep snow and biting wind toward the barn.
As Cabe opened the barn door, the gust of wind coming from the interior of the barn hit Ron at the same time Dell cursed.

“What the hell?”

The barn door on the opposite side stood wide open, and a horse he didn’t recognize stood near one of the stalls, happily munching on hay.

Dell raced to the open door, pulling it closed with another curse and stopping abruptly. “Hell!”

Throwing off his hat, Dell ran into the open stall. “Shit. Ma’am? Ma’am! Hey!”

Ron glanced at Cabe, his heart pounding as he looked down at what appeared, at this distance, to be a pile of clothing. “Is she alive?”

He raced toward Dell, with Cabe right beside him, the large man moving faster than his size would suggest.

Stunned to see a woman lying in a heap in the stall, Ron moved forward, kneeling next to Dell as the other man rolled her to her back. “Fuck. That’s blood, and she’s out. Damn near frozen. Alive, but barely.”

Dell grimaced. He pulled her coat aside to see that she wore a gun belt, a pistol in both holders. “Looks like it’s her thigh and shoulder.” He moved her coat and shirt aside to look at her shoulder. “Gunshot. She’s wearing both pistols, and her rifle’s in the scabbard. She never drew.”

“Take care of her. I’ll get Will.” Cabe turned and walked away, the sounds of him getting his horse from the stall loud in the quiet of the barn.

Ron nodded but doubted if Cabe saw him. “We need to get her to our cabin.”

Dell slid his hands under her. “I’ve got her. Get the damned door.”

Cabe led the other horse to a stall and gave her some feed and water. “Must be hers. If this horse got her here, she deserves to be warm and fed.”

Ron hurriedly opened the door Dell had just closed, fighting the wind to close it again.

Hearing her moan, Ron tried to block as much wind as possible from her as Dell carried her through the deep snow, cradling her tightly against his chest.

It took several minutes to cover the short distance to their bunk, and Ron’s foot slipped on the slick wooden steps that led to the door. “Careful!”

Dell nodded to acknowledge that he’d heard and slowly took the steps, with Ron gripping his shoulders from behind to steady him.

Once inside, Ron fought the wind to close the door again and rushed to rebuild the low fire in the fireplace.

Dell worked the coat and boots off of the young woman and paused. “Her clothes are not only bloody but they’re soaked and frozen in places. She’s past shiverin’. We’ve gotta get her warm.”

With his heart in his throat, Ron helped Dell strip her out of her frozen clothes, using a rough towel to dry her as gently as possible and wipe away the blood that had begun to flow again. “Damn it.”

Fantasy Fulfilled

(Rapture Island 7)

Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Suspense, BDSM, MFM, HEA

Scared to explore her interests in the BDSM lifestyle, Erica Roberts opens up about her desires to her boyfriend, disappointed but not surprised that he reacts with anger. Still curious, and getting a little desperate, she attends a special event at a Dominant’s club, only to run out in fear five minutes later.

When a friend hears of her escape and invites her to lunch, Erica meets with her, embarrassed that Kelsey knows what has happened. Irritated at herself and saddened, she pours her heart out to Kelsey, not realizing that two Dominants are eavesdropping. Before she knows it, she’s set up with them, assured that they’re a safe choice and will respect her wishes. She agrees, and it’s a decision that will change her life forever.

Damion Hargrove and Jonathan Pike fulfill every fantasy Erica has ever had and some she doesn’t know exist, but when she loses herself in a particular scene, she runs from them, scared they’ll break her heart. The two men give her the space she needs, but when her ex shows up at her apartment, venting his rage and hurting her in a misguided effort to give her what she wants, the men realize their error. They’ve already fallen in love with her and allowed her to run. It’s a mistake they’ll never make again.


Jonathan leaned forward. “The opportunity to find someone who is honest about herself and truly wants to learn about herself and her needs is irresistible.”

Erica nodded, hoping she understood. “I don’t want games either. But I also don’t want to be with someone who’s involved with someone else.”

“While you’re with us, we’re definitely exclusive.” Jonathan touched her chin and lifted her face to his again, the hard gleam in his green eyes sending a shiver through her. “We share with each other but not with anyone else. Understood?”

Erica swallowed heavily and nodded. “Yes. I’m not like that. I don’t sleep around.”

“How many lovers have you had?”

Erica pulled away from his touch, finding it hard to concentrate while awareness continued to take over. “That’s a personal question.”

Damion leaned forward, catching her gaze. “The first of many, and they’re going to get a hell of a lot more personal than that. How many?”

Her face burning, Erica swallowed heavily again. “Two. And I don’t want to talk about it.”

Jonathan touched her arm, turning her attention to him. “Have you talked to any other Dominants?”

“Yes.” Her face burned. “Two. Online. They scared me.”

Raising a brow, he frowned slightly. “Oh? How?”

Erica took another sip of her wine and shrugged. “They seemed more interested in punishing me and what I could expect if I disobeyed than in my pleasure. Some of the things they mentioned sounded painful. I don’t want pain.” Erica shrugged. “I guess that’s how it’s supposed to be.”

Jonathan smiled tenderly, easing her nerves a little. “It’s supposed to work for everyone involved.”

Erica smiled humorlessly. “I thought that was how it should work, but like I said, reality and fantasy are two different things. I mean, why would a woman stay with someone who made her feel used and abused? Why would a woman be with someone who doesn’t appreciate her submission?”

Damion took a sip of his drink and leaned back. “We’ll explore your boundaries. We’ll learn what excites you. What scares you. What you don’t like. What you want but are too embarrassed or shy to admit.”

Intrigued, Erica picked up her glass of wine and leaned back, too. “How will you do that?”

“Because we’ll explore. We’ll learn your body and your reactions. We’ll pay attention.”

Erica took a sip of wine and glanced at Jonathan before looking at Damion again. “Will I have a safe word?”


Erica finished her wine and set the glass back on the table. “So how long would this last? Is it like for one night? A weekend?”

Jonathan raised a hand for a waiter. “As long as it satisfies all three of us. More wine?”

“No. Thank you. Maybe some water.”

While Jonathan asked for a glass of water for her, Damion leaned close. “You’re aroused at the prospect of surrendering and curious about your own needs. Would you trust us enough to give this a chance?”

Her face burned again, and averting her gaze, she took a shuddering breath. “How can I expect you to understand what I want when I don’t completely understand it myself?”

“You need to feel desired and appreciated for your surrender.”

Erica grimaced. “You heard that part, huh?”

Jonathan smiled faintly. “We did, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You need to feel cherished. You need to feel that you’re important and cared for. You need to have someone you can trust to guide you in exploring your passions. You need to have someone whom you can lean on. A strength you can trust.”

Flushed, Erica grimaced again. “You make me sound so needy. Is it so wrong to want to know?”

“Not at all.” Jonathan took her hand in his. “We all have needs, Erica.”

Marveling at how wonderful it felt to have her hand clasped in his, Erica lifted her gaze to his. “What do you need?”

He smiled at that, his dark eyes twinkling. “Honesty. Someone to spoil. Someone who looks to us for strength. Someone who will trust us enough to give herself completely. It’ll be up to us to earn that trust, but little by little, we will. If you let us.”

Wanting to be as honest as she could, Erica shrugged. “I’m not sure I can trust anyone that way. I know it means I won’t have the answers I want, and I won’t be able to feel what I think I want to feel, but that kind of trust would be hard for me.”

Damion ran a hand down her arm. “It’s up to us to earn your trust. When the pleasure and the promise of more to come becomes irresistible, you’ll want to give yourself.”

Smiling her thanks when the waiter brought her water, Erica reached for it. “You sound sure.”

Jonathan squeezed her free hand. “Hopeful.”

Erica sipped her water and pulled her hand from his to wipe both damp palms on her thighs. “As long as we have an understanding that I can walk away whenever I want to.”

Damion inclined his head. “So can we, which we will if you’re not really trying or you allow shyness to interfere with what all three of us want.”

She took a deep breath, not looking at either one of them. “So when do we start?”

Madison Brothers’ Desire

(Desire, OK 17)

Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Menage, Romantic Suspense, MFMM, HEA

Marissa Brown moved to Desire, Oklahoma to make a life for herself and her young son. She’d found a job that she loved, managing the lingerie shop in town and she and Sammy were happy.

She’d met Sloane, Cole, and Brett Madison and had quickly begun to fall for them, fascinated by the menage relationships prevalent in Desire. But her budding relationship with three men threatened her credibility as a good mother, allowing Sammy’s father visitation rights.

Scared of losing her son, she tried to distance herself from them, Jimmy’s series of attacks prompted Sloane, Cole, and Brett to keep Marissa and Sammy even closer. Keeping them safe while proving the other man’s abuse proved frustrating, especially since he seemed hell-bent on making them his.

But the Madisons knew they’d found the love they’d been looking for and had no intention of letting go.


Marissa began taking items from the box, carefully checking them on the invoice before hanging them. “I already told you that Jimmy got visitation rights.”

“Yes, and I told you that we’ve already gotten you a new attorney. Jimmy does drugs and has no business being around either one of you.”

“He said he never did drugs and was holding them for a friend.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it.” Sloane clenched his jaw, his frustration and anger about the entire situation difficult to contain. “Just because he fathered Sammy doesn’t make him his father.”

Marissa glanced at him and continued her task, the unshed tears in her eyes like a fist around his heart. “The judge didn’t see it that way, and I don’t want you paying for a different lawyer. It’s going to make things look worse.”

Jimmy had been arrested for assaulting Marissa while she was pregnant and had just gotten out of prison months earlier.

Scraping a hand over his jaw, Sloane watched Marissa fold and hang items to put them on display, her hands shaking. “I can’t believe he got visitation rights. I can’t believe, after assaulting you, that he can visit in your home. Unsupervised! This new attorney is better than yours. He’ll make sure Jimmy doesn’t get custody.”

Marissa bent her head, a sob escaping. “The judge took Jimmy’s attorney’s word that his anger management classes taught him how to deal with his anger. Jimmy told them about us. Now the judge thinks I’m a whore because I started a relationship with three men..”

He strode quickly to her, her sob ripping him to pieces. “Don’t ever call yourself that again. Jesus, Marissa. We haven’t even had sex yet.”

She was so skittish and scared of confusing Sammy that Sloane and his brothers hadn’t wanted to rush her, worried that they’d scare her away.

He knew what other people thought and had moved to Desire, Oklahoma, with his brothers to have the kind of relationship where such things were respected.

They’d found the woman they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with, but Jimmy was causing problems they couldn’t ignore.

In a very telling gesture, she leaned into him before pushing away again. “And we won’t. We can’t. You and your brothers have to stay away from me.”

With a sigh, Sloane clenched his fists at his sides in frustration. “We want you, Marissa. We’ve made that clear. We’ve also made it clear that we’re gonna do whatever it takes to have both you and Sammy in our lives. That includes making it clear to anyone watching that you’re in a relationship with me, and Cole and Brett are just friends. It hurts to do that, but we’ll do whatever it takes.”

Shaking her head, Marissa eyed him again, her features pale. “Please. I’m afraid the judge will see through it. You, Cole, and Brett need to stay away from me. I can’t risk losing Sammy.”

Sloane pulled a business card from his pocket. “This is the lawyer. Anna Markinson. She’s already getting all the information on your case and is expecting your call.”

Leaning close, he took her hand in his and placed it on his chest, needing the contact. “In the meantime, it’ll appear that you’re just dating me. No one will think anything of my brothers coming around to check on you or being seen with you. I’ll talk to them and make sure neither one of them acts like your lover in public.”

Marissa’s pale features reddened. “We’re not lovers.”

Sloane saw no reason to hide his own feelings for her, and frustrated that she tried to push him away when her growing feelings for him shone in her eyes, Sloane bent forward and touched his lips to hers.
Filled with satisfaction when she sobbed and threw her arms around him, he deepened his kiss, keeping it tender and allowing only a touch of the passion he felt for her.

They’d had passionate kisses in the past, and when he’d caressed her breasts, her response had been even more passionate.

The same had happened with his brothers.

She wanted them, and knowing her as well as he’d come to, he realized that she wouldn’t feel that passion if she didn’t have feelings for them.

Reluctantly breaking off his kiss, he lifted his head to look down at her, seeing the love for him she so desperately tried to hide glimmering in her eyes. “We haven’t had sex yet, baby, but we’ve kissed and I’ve touched you. So have Cole and Brett. We’re lovers.”

Amused at her deep blush, he smiled and pushed an errant curl back, taking the opportunity to caress her silky, soft cheek. “Don’t look so surprised or embarrassed. Did you think Cole, Brett, and I don’t talk about you? There are no secrets between us, baby. There can’t be. We want this to work.”

Marissa’s eyes went wide. “I can’t.”

Her voice broke, sending a chill down his spine.

Closing his hands on her shoulders, he pulled her closer, holding her gaze. “I don’t trust Jimmy, and I’m sure as hell not leaving you to deal with him alone. What did he do to upset you today?”

She clenched her fists on his chest and abruptly dropped them and moved away. “Nothing. I can handle him. I can’t risk losing Sammy. Please. Just stay away from me.”

Not wanting to upset her any further, Sloane mentally sighed and nodded. He knew she was lying to him, but pushing her would just put more distance between them. “I’ll go for now, but this isn’t over between us, Marissa.”

“It has to be.”